Saturday, April 6, 2024

223 Clever Road • McKees Rocks, PA 15136

Pre-registration must be received by Saturday, March 18, 2023.

Registration day of is an additional $10.

Is this your first tournament?
Click here for some helpful tips for the day!

Pre-registration Fee:

1 event: $55 (DAY OF: $65)
2 events: $65
(DAY OF: $75)
3 events: $75
(DAY OF: $85)
4 events: $85
(DAY OF: $95)
5 events: $95
(DAY OF: $105)

Download the fillable PDF form!


All spectators are $8/person
Children 5 and under are free.


8:30 am: Doors open — Registration

9:30 am: Adult Black Belt Forms (ages 18+)

10:30 am: Weapons Competition

11:30 am: All children up to 12 years old


2:30 pm: All competitors 13 & over

4:00 pm: Adult Black Belt Sparring & Breaking (ages 18+)


Children’s Divisions:
Ages 4 -17 divided by rank.
Boys & girls will be divided at age 8

Adult Divisions — Divided by rank
Men’s divisions — 18-35, 36-47, 48 & up
Women’s divisions — 18-35, 36-47, 48 & up


Safety Equipment for all Sparring Competitors

  • Use a mouthpiece (limited supply on sale day of tournament)

  • Wear head gear

  • Optional: shin pads, hand and foot gear

Sparring Rules:

  • Two minutes or five points

  • One point awarded for:
    — Controlled kick or punch to side or front of the body
    — Controlled kick to face or side of head

  • You are not allowed to punch to the face or head

  • There are no points below the belt

  • There are no points to the back of the head or body

  • There are no open hand techniques allowed

  • There are no back fists or sweeping techniques

Breaking Rules:

  • All levels are 2 stations

  • To ensure fairness, all boards must be purchased at the tournament. Boards are available in lobby. Cost: $3.00/board. (Cash or credit accepted)

First tournament? Here are some helpful tips!

  • If you have pre-registered, just walk in and go to the tables on the LEFT, give them your last name and you will receive your blue competitor card. Please do not lose this. Competitors will need to have this with them when their age/group is called to compete.

  • Spectators: All attendees (unless you are competing) will need to pay the $8.00 spectator fee at the door. Cash preferred, credit accepted. Children 5 and under are free.

  • Boards for breaking. If you are competing in breaking you will need to purchase boards at the event. You can find the boards at the apparel table. They are $3/board and cash credit is accepted.

  • Schedule: The schedule is not exact — make sure you pay attention to the announcements. They will call your student by age and belt, for example: “All red belts, ages 10-11”. Once called, competitors take their blue card, sparring gear and boards and head to the front by the main judges table. At this point they will be placed in groups and will wait in the holding area until their ring is open.

  • It is a long day! If you are not competing in sword or weapons, you do not need to arrive at 8am (unless you want to watch!). 

  • Don’t leave! If you leave and miss your call time — you will be unable to compete.

  • Food: There are delicious concessions available all day for purchase. But it is a good idea to bring extra water and snacks — especially if you will be competing later in the day.

  • Seating: Unless your child is very young, the best place to view the rings is from the upper stands. There is plenty of seating all around the gymnasium. Once your student is called to the holding area, you will see what ring they are heading to. You will have time to relocate to a better viewing area before they start competing.

  • Judges: Judges are all high level black belt or master belts from various schools. If you need to discuss something with one of the judges, please wait and speak with the center judge once competition is complete.

  • Safety gear. For sparring, a mouthpiece and headgear are required to spare. There are a limited amount of mouthpieces available for purchase day of, but it is best to buy one prior to the tournament. This will guarantee the best fit and also will allow your student to get used to the feel. Head gear: We will have a few pieces to borrow, but if you can bring your own, that is always best. Shin, hand and foot guards are optional.

  • Time to compete: Once you are in your ring, you will sit in a row. The judges will collect the blue cards from each competitor. Competition will start with forms, breaking and then end with sparring.Once everyone is done, you wait in the ring while the judges tally the scores. Medals will be presented in your ring. Once your group is done, please gather your items and exit the ring to make room for the next group.
